Monday, December 1, 2008

Classmate's Blog

As I look back at my blogs for the past semester, I can definitely see the difference in the things that I have learned. They have quickly grown through the review of different blogs, podcasts, and personal experiences. Looking at other students blogs in the class also gives great feedback about what they have learned as well. One students blog who I looked at examined was Brennan Gibson. Seeing her growth through her blogs was both motivating and pretty cool to see.

One thing that I noticed in her blogs was the lessons that she learned. An example of this was her blog about fixed and growth minds. She applied these blogs by saying that she wants to teach her students that it is okay to fail because we learn from those experiences. She said she wanted to make her students feel okay with failing sometimes because, in the long run, it can help you. She also discussed Randy Pausch's lecture and talked about his ideas of never giing up on your dreams, no matter what.

Another thing that I looked at was how the class taught her a lot of things about blogs and how to do them. She discussed how she liked the format of our blogs because they were not restricted and she felt free to talk about anything. She also said that she really enjoyed the different settings that offers, such as gadgets. The one thing that she said bothered her about the blogs, however, was the deadline set for each blog. Brennan said that the deadlines worried her and were often hard to follow because of certain limitations like not having an available computer.

I really liked looking at Brennan's blog becaue it gave me the opportunity to see what other people in my class were learning. I know that I definitely learned quite a bit about certain things, but it was cool to see the differences between me and other students. I hope that everyone in this class learned as much as me, or maybe even more, because I know that it is gonna help in our future careers.

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